Licenses and Certifications
P2K is a Female and Hispanic owned business.

Certifications include:
- SBA Small Disadvantaged Business
- Graduated SBA 8 (a)
- SBA 8 (m) Women Owned Small Business
- City of Atlanta Hispanic and Female Business
- Georgia Department of Transportation DBE
- Florida Department of Transportation DBE
- Alabama Department of Transportation DBE
- State of Georgia
- City of Houston DBE
- City of Houston Women, Hispanic and Small Business
- HUB Zone in NC
- South Carolina DOT – DBE Certified
- North Carolina DOT – DBE Certified

Licenses include:
- Georgia General Contractor
- Florida General Contractor
- Georgia Utility Contractor
- Florida Underground Utility & Excavation License
- Certificado de Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá